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Theory of Constraints Consulting

At the heart of our approach lies the Theory of Constraints (TOC)—a methodology grounded in the principle that every organization has a primary constraint limiting increase in overall performance and strategy. Our consulting will solve constraints in operations, sales processes, market positioning, or leadership structure. By resolving the biggest obstacles, we create a ripple effect that unlocks the full potential of the business. These insights will enable us to focus on high-leverage areas that can drive exponential results and ensure sustainable growth.

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Purpose and Power for Corporate Women

In this program, you will learn how to identify and leverage your strengths to create abundance both personally and professionally while nurturing your mental and physical wellness. You will reduce stress and overwhelm as you gain both clarity and confidence about how to pursue the next steps in your career. You will embark on the path of joy, fulfillment, and purpose as you awaken to the bounty of untapped potential inside of you.

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Fearless Focus for Female Financial Advisors

Transformational Coach and Veteran Financial Advisor, Trish Ahjel Roberts will teach you the lessons from her bestselling book, 12 Steps to Mind-Blowing Happiness and how to apply them to your career in the financial services industry. You will learn to recognize and recover from microaggressions, slay self-doubt and imposter syndrome, and build a community of peers, mentors, and supporters to take you to the next level.

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